The point is, I do get tired of London, of Europe. My eyes stop seeing things and when this happens I go cool-hunting (well figuratively speaking).. to Japan.
The title speaks for itself.
Itaya Michimasa is a designer, artist, art director and a genius. The man is great at practically everything - typography, illustration, fashion, display, branding... you name it! It is hard for me to describe his work, but I will try. It's not loud... it's quite settle, elegant, but unique and conceptual at the same time. It makes you think, it tells a story and most importantly, it tells a story about the creator.
My list of 'great artists/creatives to meet' is not long at all. However, I would love to meet Mic*Itaya, because let's be frank, to me, he seems like a person who can easily crash your brain with one sentence and possibly change your work/life trajectory for good.
Here are some samples of his typography.

New trendy publication from Tokyo produced by TADS (Tokyo Art Directors). They have just launched their first issues and it looks... well rich! It's stunning, that's all I have to say.
Fantastic page if you seek fashion inspiration.
So, I'm finishing the post with Zero per Zero (South Korea based design studio). I know the post is suppose to be about Japan alone, however, the piece of work I'm introducing is Tokyo Railway System. So, I don't consider this cheating!
Zero per Zero' designs are quite incredible. They have also just had their first exhibition in London's Kemistry Gallery and it looks great. So, I'm thinking I might create an individual post for them at some point soon.